Press Duran using your authority to go with the search team

From Create Your Own Story

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"Very well" Duran concedes, but you can tell he is not happy about it.

Duran gives orders that one of his men find you a pair of fur-lined cloth boots to protect your feet on the hike. Lashing them about your ankles, you feel somewhat ridiculous in a your ornamented dress with large boots beneath, but you trust Duran knows what he is doing.

Taking sixteen of the other healthy guard with you, you leave two of the guards to remain watching over the injured as well as the maids. Otherwise, you carry food and rations and light armaments as you begin the hike.

The trail the kobolds came down is marked with spoor and scraps left over from their last raid, leading up a rocky cleft in the foothills that is somewhat damp and growing with lichen. Before long, you are even more tired than when you began the hike and ask to stop and rest. Duran graciously complies, but grows ever more peeved as you can see he knows you are slowing him down.

After about an hour, the trail comes to what looks like an old campsite on the shoulder of a bluff. The trail continues winding around the side of the foothills and up into the nearest of the two peaks the guard pointed out earlier. Next to the campsite is a large cave. It looks like some of the kobolds have entered the cave, although there are far too many tracks to tell if they were mainly coming or going. The cave gives off a faint energy, and from its depths you can see a dull bluish glow.

"This is certainly something" Duran muses, "I'd be wary to continue on leaving this potential stronghold unexplored, but there's no telling how strong their force is if we enter this confined space."

You have in your party:

17 guards.

Enter the cave with Duran and the rest of the guard

Continue on the trail up the foothills together

Health 100 Equipment:

Heavy Dress, Expensive Jewelry, Artful Dagger, Fur-lined cloth boots

Stamina 35
Mood Tired Inventory:


Purse 1050, 00, 00
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