Piggy's Day/It lands on you
From Create Your Own Story
You feel a slight pinch. Then you look down and notice a harpoon on your abdomen.
deTonator: "Don't swing! You'll drop the airplane!"
Army guy: "Piggy, Grab the harpoon so we can pull the chopper down!"
You do as he says. The rest are helping to pull the rope.
Piggy: "Oh, sonofagun! This might leave a scar..."
The chopper is pulled to the ground. You are completely weared out, but now the others can rush the helicopter.
deTonator: "OH, NO!"
The army guy grabs deTonator, and throws him out of the helicopter.
Army guy: "Get out, we need this chopper!"
The army guy takes control, and you are drageed inside the helicopter, with the harpoon still in your stomach.
deTonator: "Wait, you can't leave me here!"
Army guy: "Yes we can!"
The helicopter door is then closed, and the army guy takes off.
deTonator: "Appareantly you can."
You fly full-on away from the compound, as the nuclear weapon might go off any second.
Army guy: "Where should we go first - the police or the news agency?"
Piggy: "Neither! I have a harpoon in my abdomen, and we're going to the hospital."
You are taken to the hospital. After a brief operation, the others wish to know if you're alright.
Army guy: "Well, is Piggy okay?"