Family Ties/Jessica Heather anything Timmy RPS5a
From Create Your Own Story
You stare each other in the eyes as you play your last round. You know you just have to pick rock. There's no way he'll do it again.
Timmy sounds it off. "Rock... paper... scissors... SHOOT!"
"Timmy!" Jessica groans. "Why the hell would you pick rock all the time!!!"
You both picked rock?
"But rock is the strongest one!" he whines.
"It doesn't work like... nevermind."
"So... we both win? And lose?" you ask puzzled.
Heather scrunches up her face with disappointment. "Thanks to Tim, yeah. I guess so."
"That's not fair!" Timmy continues to whine. "She shouldn't be able to pick rock!"
"I can too!" you reply, sticking out your tongue.
"Tim, you lost. Get over it." Heather points at you. "But so did she. Your both losers."
Timmy crosses his arms. "Yeah, but I wanted to win."
Heather rolls her eyes at your brother before tapping her fingernails against her chin in contemplation.
- Suggest that you go one more round as a tiebreaker.
- Wait to see what punishment Heather comes up with.
- Give your sister an idea for your punishment.
to pick rock