Unwritten/Chun/Vampire/Settle for sexy, but sensible clothes

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The only thing your heart really desires for the moment is a better place to sleep than the one you were trying to sleep in before they picked you up. Hell, if he has a decent bed for you then getting abducted like that might be the best thing that's happened to you all week.

Smirking to yourself a little at that thought, you take in the clothes before you. Too tired to go around checking thoroughly. Since They're all revealing to some extent you go ahead and pick a few that look like they'll at least cover you in all the right places. Not finding any long pants, you settle for some hotpants that cover only the crotch. Better than any of the short skirts designed to give anyone around you pantyshots all the time.

Unabashed, you tear off the shreds of clothes you still have on you and put on a flashy blue tank top with an open belly and a set of hotpants. Your belly and legs are completely exposed, but at least the parts that really matter are decently covered. You didn't bother with underwear tho, too tired to care.

Brushing your hair, you pose a moment to allow the guy to get a good look at the outfit. Now you really want to get to a bed and get some rest, your eyes are about to close by themselves wether you want them to or not.

You :

Don't bother talking and just fall asleep where you stand.

Politely ask him if he has a bed you could use by any chance.

Wait for the Boss to make the next move

Health 20 Equipment:

Revealing tank top and hotpants

Stamina 5
Morale 10 Inventory:


Money 0$
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