Unwritten/Chun/Vampire/Flex your body and try to stand

From Create Your Own Story

You massage your limbs and flex your muscles. It takes some time, but you eventually manage to get on your hands and knees, you start crawling for a bit and your body warms up. Eventually, you manage to get enough strength to your legs to stand. Everything hurts, but you can stand. You take a moment to stabilize yourself before you try some experimental steps. You feet and legs hurt like they'd been asleep or you'd been sitting on them awkwardly, but they work.

Still, at this pace, walking down to corridor is a pretty slow going. Was this corridor really this long before? You keep walking slowly and eventually reach the corner, only to find another corridor you move down. You're exhausted by the time you make it to the bedroom.

You walk up to the clothes drawer. There's no trace of your stuff anywhere. You remember there only being that dress in here when you looked last time, but now the drawer is full of all the clothes you saw in there before. It seems the mansion was returned back to the state you found it in except for leaving your corpse in the corridor.

Remembering he gave you the impression of an awkward teenage boy rather than an ancient monster, you ponder to yourself. "Maybe he's a new vampire and never killed someone before you?" You grimace to yourself at the thought of a vampire who's scared of your corpse. Moving your face muscles hurts though and you feel a sharp pain in the side of your neck.

Take a look in the mirror.

Get dressed.

Moving over, you take a look in the mirror. Your mirror image looks frighteningly pale, as if you didn't have any blood in your body at all. Worse is the bite wound in your neck. It doesn't seem to have been healing much, if any. On close inspection, you can see that it's started to heal a little.

Must be because you're as weak as you are, you feel hunger once that thought crosses your mind. It's a vicious, demanding hunger. nothing like what you're used to. You double over and try to get a grip on yourself. The rush soon passes but leaves you feeling empty. Thirsty.

When you look back into the mirror, your eyes go huge at the sight of the fangs protruding from your mirror image's mouth. Not believing your eyes, you reach up and touch your mouth. Sure enough, you can feel two razor-sharp fangs where your canines used to be.

Health 20 Equipment:


Stamina 20
Morale 20 Inventory:


Money 800$
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