Hot and Horny/Miranda Go with Josh to Chad

From Create Your Own Story

He grins at you. "Please? Chad wants to hang out with me and my cute little sister today."

Now you are immediately up. Chad thinks you're cute? Wow. You can not really belive it, so you ask your brother. "Chad thinks I'm cute?"

But instead of answering he only says: "Just hurry up, please."

Yes, Chad think's your cute. When Josh doesn't want to admit something nice, he says something different. You bet Chad has said that you are cute. Yeah! In a hurry, because you're not tired any longer, you pick out an outfit, like Jessica would do when she goes meet some boys. Only that you don't take hours for it, cause you're smart and don't need to think so long.

You put on your cute little jeans skirt and a yellow tank-top which look totally cute on you.

Together with your brother you go over to his teammate's Chad's house, only about ten minutes away. Chad is the team captain of the football team and really cool and older than Josh but as old as Jessica and totally cool. He likes girls, you know, and he thinks you're cute and perhaps you can play some cool games on his playstation.

However, when you arrive, Chad looks at you in surprise. "Who is this?"

"It's my sister, Miranda", Josh tells him, but you can not really hear. Chad doesn't know who you are. What a meanie!

And then the next surprise, as another guy a bit older and bigger than Josh appears, seeing you and smiling. Then he yells: "Hey guys, the party is about to start!" And before you can react, he takes your hand and pulls you into the house.

What do you do now?

You are:
Miranda, age 6
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