FOTR/Galadrial has the Ring

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Galadrial slips the ring on her finger - and instantly feels the magnification of her existing powers. She can suddenly read the thoughts of everyone in Middle-earth at once - and is dismayed by what she hears. Worse, she can see the future of each individual - and can see the terrible and selfish decisions that are made over and over again. In half a moment, Galadrial has gone mad - and can see only one answer to her madness. Everyone around her is evil - so she must strike them all down. Using her augmented ability t get inside the heads of others, she scrambles the most powerful mind in her vicinity - which happens to be Gandalf's. His human body collapses to the floor, his staff clattering as it hits the ground. His Maiar spirit drifts away, to seek another form and hopeful resume the fight against Sauron.


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