FOTR/seek the counsel of others

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Gandalf began arrangements for a meeting of the White Council at the Gray Havens. This had to be done in utter secrecy, so that the enemy would not know that the leaders of the free peoples were convening in one place - even if that place was protected by some of the strongest magic in the world.

Careful communication took a long time, and it was some months before he could arrange for all of the members of the White Council to be with Cirdan at the Gray Havens. Cirdan never left his post, and sent counselors to WHite Council meetings held elsewhere. My arranging this meeting to take place in his city, Gandalf was sending a signal that the topic was urgent.

Before he left Hobitton, he met with Strider - who had strengthened the watch of rangers protecting the Shire. Gandalf had planned all along for the Ring to stay in the Shire, guarded by the little hobbits - who were least likely to be corrupted by it. He did not want the ring to be nearby the members of the Council, who were literally the most powerful beings in Middle Earth after Sauron.

As often happens, Gandalf's plan does not work out. The Shire is attacked by the Ringwraiths - and many hobbits are killed in the defense. Gandalf must bring Frodo and Sam with him - but as they are trying to escape Hobbiton, they are trapped. Gandalf and Strider draw swords, and prepare to defend Frodo and Sam - knowing that they are surely outnumbered, and that their adventure is over before it even got out of the Shire. At the last moment, Galadrial appears - and use the white phial against the riders, who are severely injured and retreat. She is travelling along to avoid notice, and had seen the burning fires of the Shire on her way to the Grey Havens. Now, she forms a Fellowship with Gandalf, Aragorn, Frodo, and Sam - and they begin the journey to the Gray Havens. On the road, Gandalf discusses what to do about the Ring with Aragorn and Galadrial.


What should the Fellowship do about the Ring?

  • Bring it to the White Council, and let them know they have it with them.
  • Lie, and say the Ring is still in Hobbiton.
  • Give the Ring to Galadrial right away - She can use it to destroy Sauron's mind.
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