Slave Auction

From Create Your Own Story

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You approach the other end of the square, where several wooden podiums have been raised next to a big house wall. Naked men and women, orcs, elves and humans alike have been put on them, chained to the ground and with their prices written on shoddy signs hanging around their necks.

The men and women inspecting them look wealthier than most, with golden wristbands and colorful robes. You stick out like a sore thumb among them, but nobody seems to mind. The slaves however, are just as good-looking even without clothes; and there seems to be a wide selection of them. As you pass by, inspecting them, you suddenly hear a hushed voice calling out to you:

"You there! Orc!".

Turning around, you see that the voice came from a short dwarven woman on one of the podiums, with long braids and a shapely ass.

"I beg of you!" she hisses as silently as possible. Thankfully, the crowd of people around you are too absorbed in their purchases to even notice you. "Buy my freedom, and I'll see to it that you're repaid! My father is a king under the mountains. He'll cover you from head to toes with silver!".

Before you even have time to think of a response, a rough voice cuts you off, followed by the crack of a whip against the ground:

"You!" a gruff-looking orc, apparently one of the slavers, sneers and walks forwards. "Get lost. You no buy, you no stand around and get peep-show!".

You take a step back, then:

Health Dangerously Horny, mated to Bethilda Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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