Star Wars: Dark Legends- Get Allay to help you

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Alternative for the Clones Wars

Padme was locked up in her separate cell where she is put no where near Anakin as he is in another. Padme knew that the Jedi would have a plan to set them free, she was busy thinking of a way to escape execution and help the Jedi pursue the Separatist Forces. Genonsisian Guards stop by and Battle Droids came pouring in and pointing their blasters with the help of Jango Fett. Count Dooku appeared with Nute Gunray at his side.

"Rise and Shine Senator, I hope you had a great time in your cell, do you propose to be locked up in a more secure holding cell" Count Dooku spoke with wisdom.

"No, I prefer to die in this cell all by myself than be out there to be killed" Padme angrily replied.

"How Charming my lady, but there's been a change of plans, we decided to have other plans for you" Count Dooku signaled two guards to pin her to the wall.

"You'll never get away with this Dooku, the Jedi will get you" Padme muttered.

"Who says I'm getting away with anything, but you see, right after your capture, we decided to take samples of you, which we successfully gotten" Dooku said with truthful methods and had step aside like someone was coming in.

A foot appeared from behind the guards and Padmè suddenly examine the person by looking all the way up and it shocked her.

"No..No, it can't be" Padme said as she is surprised to what is in front of her.

A perfect looking naked body that can resembles a female person and Padmè knew she had that type of body. Than the figure was completely shown, herself, a clone of Padme appeared an evil smile.

"You clone me, but how" Padme immediately asked the Count.

"Yes, a clone of you was our finest creation, we used your samples to make a perfect copy of you as we accelerated up to your age and now she is aging normally like you are so she can cover up her tracks to avoid suspicions " Dooku answered with applaud.

"No No, the Jedi would be aware of that" Padme thinking that the Jedi would sense danger.

"The Dark Side has clouded their minds which I can assure you Senator that they would not know that is a spy amongst them, besides this clone of you can be our perfect spy that can report any activities or plans inside out" Dooku said with evil tones.

"What are you going to do with me since you have a clone of me" Padme asked about her fate.

"Well decided not to kill you Senator, but to sell you off course" Dooku told Padme.

" who" Padme loudly asked.

"The greatest care taker of all Slaves that is, awaits you on Tatootine" Dooku said with an evil smile.

"Oh no, Jabba, your going to give me to Jabba, no no, I got to get out of here" Padme struggled with the guards as she tries to escape.

"Oh no my dear, you won't go anywhere but that, but first we must take care of some business" Dooku said as he cup up Padmès chin.

"And what can that be" Padme asked the Count.

"Your memories my dear, we will have to wipe them out" Dooku answered.

"No, you'll never get away with this, ahh, let go me" Padme angrily spoke.

First for clothes my dear, guards take it off" Dooku ordered the guards to strip Padme.

Padmès white attire jumpsuit was removed with her white boots, utility belt, white pants, and a white shirt with both arm bracelets taken off for her clone to wear.

"Thanks for the clothes Senator, I gladly appreciated" the clones said.

"Your clone will be a perfect spy inside the Senate and the Republic, she is given great knowledge of espionage, she is a mindless figure that does nothing but to serve me, take her away" Dooku said with an intense smile.

"NNNOOO" Padme screamed in horror.

"Agent 72, reporting for duties my lord" The clone reported as she salutes to the Count.

"Get dress Agent 72, remember you will be going by the name Padme Amidala and your a spy in the Senate and you have complete knowledge of of your host, your whole task is espionage, when the Clones Wars has ended your task is over, do what must be done" Dooku ordered the clone.

"Yes my lord, it will be done, my loyalty is to you" Agent 72 said as she dress in Padmès clothes and walk in the cell to be handcuffed as her task began.

Padme memories were completely wiped and she was being transported from Geonosis to Tatootine. Jabba accepted the captive Senator which she is going to spend the rest of her life in the Hutts Throne. The clone of Padme was completely capable maintaining her identity as she is getting close to the Jedis and eventually married Anakin which she part of her task to infiltrate the Republic and the Jedi order. Anakin having a great life has no idea that he mated with the clone. Lots of Secrets were getting past to the Separatist and more Republic forces were being crushed by the CIS war machine.

Padme was made from slave to Queen and wife to Jabba the Hutt as her name is changed to Mayla the Hutt. Darth Sidious enjoyed a huge amount of deaths of all Jedis as the sith is growing more stronger with Count Dooku getting all the credit as he still has the clone being the inside person to destroy it from the insided. The Jedi Order were in serious trouble as the war is near defeat for them and the Republic

Star Wars: Dark Legends- Fuck up Allay

Star Wars: Plot

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