Possess the already possessed body

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:35, 27 December 2013 by Bickuribox (Talk | contribs)
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You think to your self about how you wouldn't mind having ago possessing that body since you haven't possessed anyone in a while, and it looks pretty fun watching the other ghost enjoying it. You move closer to the teenage girl and then move your spirit into the teenagers body. The girls body stops for a second and then starts squirming about while you fight for control of the body from the other ghost, you can see him using his slight control over the girls body to say "Get....ughhh..... out!" The teenager mutters with a struggle "I.....w-was here first." Its pretty hard, taking alot of your energy from you trying to fight for control from him for the body. While still fighting you decide to

You are: A Young female ghost
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