Have your dragon Master cum inside

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:23, 19 December 2013 by Kanin452 (Talk | contribs)

"Inside me, Master. Please, grant me the honor of carrying your seed!" you scream, so close to another orgasm.

"So be it." he says with one final thrust of his hips.

Your eyes grow wide, and a large smile spreads across your face as you feel his cock swell, before unleashing his burning hot cum. Pleasure induced screams fly out of your lungs, as your belly grows with each burst from his cock.

"Oh Gods, Master, there's so much!" you cry as you wrap your arms around your ever growing belly. "I'm going to burst! I can't... I'm cumming!"

Master chuckles at how much your belly grew, looking at least eight months pregnant, he gently runs his scaly hand over it. "Perfect. Simply perfect. My child, never before have I had one as delectable as you. I have decided that you shall be my personal maid now, forever."

Heavy with breath, you have trouble comprehending what he just said, but figure he's pleased with your performance enough not to eat you. "T-thank you, Master."

"Namari." he says, and the door opens, with the Mistress walking in.

"Yes, Master?" she says, taking a single glance at you, and then back at him.

"This one has pleased me greatly. Have her cleaned up, and then bring me my food. I am hungry."

The Mistress, Namari, bows. "As you command, Master."

Namari helps you to your feet, your belly still overly bloated with his cock juice. "Oh, Gods." you moan, unable to hold it in any longer, and it all splashes onto the floor. "I... I'm sorry, Master."

He laughs, "Think nothing of it, pet. One of my maids would be happy to clean it while you bathe."

Health Horny, female orc Ronama, sore loins Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 70
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