Call the cops

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:24, 11 December 2013 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You call the cops to get this guy's ass, you use the payphone to call the cops. 911 you dial, "Hello, this is the NYPD. How may we help you, sir?" the cop answers.

"I got this guy's ass, and he appears to be a criminal and he's trying to kill me, I need you to cap his ass, and I'm also in front of this apartment in Staten Island," you tell him.

"Alright, we'll be there in a minute," the cop answers.

In a minute a cop car arrives. "Hey you there, you called us?" he asks you.

"Yeah, this guy, I managed to counterattack this guy about to kill me, arrest him, and put him behind bars," you tell the cops.

"Got it, little man, you're coming with us to prison, mate!" the cop shouts.

"Wait, you son of a bitch, wait, wait!!!" the man struggles. Now the cops drive away, you have the chance to enter the apartment. As you enter the apartment, you hear gunfire next to you. "You, did Jack's gang send you?" a man shouts at you.

"Are you Kane?" you ask him.

"Yes, I am, Jack must be an idiot to send you here, well I'll show your boss a message, by cutting your ass!" shouts Kane.

Kane then immediately ties your hands with a long and strong coil of rope, escorts you into the bathroom, and introduces you to a black gangster affiliated to Jack's gang. "Tell Jack about this," Kane shouts at you. They immediately tie up the poor fellow on the ceiling with a strong coil of rope and Kane pulls out a chainsaw. He cuts the poor fella into a bloody pulp with the chainsaw and the whole room turns into a slaughterhouse. "Now it's your turn..." Kane speaks to you.

Just then, as Kane's men force you into the wall, you break out of your rope and pull out your gun and hold that man as a human shield and you fire 3 shots at Kane and kill him. His remaining henchmen fire at you with their Uzis, but they all hit the man you're human shielding. You slip over the bloody floor, but as you slip, you use your remaining ammo to kill the henchmen. But the man you human shielded breaks free and fires 7 shots at you. You're a bloody pulp too, but you use your final bullet to kill him. You're now a bloody pulp, screaming in pain and agony, but you've got to go. But where to?

Health 10 Equipment:

Bloody suit, .357 Revolver, Uzi, Chainsaw

MP -
Level -
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