Get inside Jessie's car and head to her home

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:46, 7 October 2013 by Bojangles (Talk | contribs)

You stumble inside the car with a massive hard on and sit patiently inside the passenger seat with Jessie. After what seemed like forever, the car arrives at the gate of her community. The houses were at least twice the size of yours with swimming pools and trimmed hedges. You can see Abby, your sister's friend, pull up at her garage in a BMW. Jessie pulls up to the admission booth where a guard is reading a newspaper.

"ID please.", he says not bothering to look up. Jessie shuffles through her calf leather purse for a few moments before looking back at the guard.

"Do you know who I am?", she states. He sighs and turns the page, obviously bored.

"M'am I don't care who you are, I need to see your residency card."

"If you don't open this door right this instant I will personally assure you that my father will do everything in his power to fire your sorry ass!", she hisses. This seemed to get the guards attention as he immediately snapped to attention and looked up. Upon realizing who it is, he frantically mashes the release button on the gate.

"My apologies m'am I didn't realize it was you, I swear...", the guard begins apologizing profusely.

"Don't let it happen again.", Jessie waves him off with an annoyed tone. She swiftly navigates through the neighborhood till she reaches her house. You get out with her and run inside.

The interior of the house is covered with mahogany flooring and vanilla painted walls. A large crystal chandelier hung right above your head and sparkled with refracted light. Jessie sheds her backpack and stands with her hands on her popped hips.

" got 10 minutes to impress me"

You can't believe this stuck up cunt is gonna let you shove your arching boner inside her!


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