Give the twins a show

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:10, 5 October 2013 by Maxpower (Talk | contribs)
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Dammit Stacy, you think to yourself. Well if she wants an audience I can give them something with watching.

You give a few final thrusts then pry Stacy's legs off of your waist and guide her to the floor, give the doorway gawkers a profile view of your activities. Stacy looks slightly disappointed. You press your cock in her face.

"Suck it."

Stacy grins and wraps her mouth around the tip. She pumps the base of your cock with one hand and fingers herself with her other hand. Her lips bob back and forth over the end of your dick sucking eagerly. You slip your fingers through her hair and help guide her motions, increasing her speed. Knowing your kids are watching has you harder than you've ever been. You can feel your ballsack tighten. Your dick begins to pulsate. You can't hold back any longer.

You push Stacy off of you and grab hold of your shaft just as you orgasm. You pump a large thick stream of cum onto Stacy's face, coating her forehead from her hairline down her nose. The second stream is just as powerful as the first, this time splashing her cheek and running down beside her mouth. You squeeze shot after shot from your shaft, your hot ropey cum filling your wife's mouth and dribbling down her face and onto her tits.

"Don't swallow yet," you order between heavy breaths. You're still rock hard.

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