You smile to the audience

From Create Your Own Story

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"For a century now, I have been wandering the night. For a century now, I've created new vampires, and for some stupid ancient law I had to destroy them. What the elders have never understood is that if we wish to survive as a species we have to respect our own. We are the most powerful creatures roaming this planet and yet we hide. Tonight, my children, we will prove them wrong. Tonight we claim this city!"

The atmosphere is electric. The tension and lust is so thick in the room you could almost hold it, pulsing welcomingly in your grip.

"The humans, the cattle, live at night without fearing us. They think we are myths and they portray us as glowing vegetarians in their fictions. For too long they have forgotten the meaning of the word: fear. Tonight we will tame them again as their blood floods the streets of Monroeville."

You pause to watch the effect on your public. The original four, Lily, Charlotte, Anna and Adam seem anxious for your instructions.

"When I was mortal, there was the mighty British Empire. Tonight, I mean to see Britain give birth to a very different empire. What I mean to offer you is the world as our own empire. Our predecessors are weak, their numbers are dwindling, and they don't deserve to live any more. I want each of you to return home and bring your loved ones to our growing family. I want each of you in the streets to bring perfect strangers into our proud family. I want us to be powerful. I want us to be feared. I want us to rise. Go, my children, for tonight we spread the love."

You order mentally to the original four and Ruth to stay back with you.

In just a few seconds, your penthouse empties and you stand alone with the ones you held back.

"Adam, I want you to go to these addresses. You'll find elder vampires. I want you to kill them. Don't give me that look; you'll find it easier than you think. They've survived by being weak. You'll see."

"Ruth, you're on damage control. No word of this gets out until it's too late."

"Anna, I want you to destroy the police. Strip their power, reduce them to the same as the rest. Or kill them. There's no difference."

"Charlotte, I want you to go to the main railroad station and turn everyone there, then I want you to go the airport and do the same. After that, you'll flee in a plane towards the west to start spreading the love there."

"And Lily, I have something special for you..."

Your penthouse is empty. Soon it will be the target of retaliatory attacks, but if everything works as planned, tomorrow you might be the head of the most powerful empire in human history. From your balcony, you observe as the world you knew begins to fall, and you like what you see.

Your run ends here. It is up to your minions to take over the world, now...

Vampire Apocalypse

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