Star Wars: Dark Legends- Get Allay to help you

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Sacara Opened the door a little to get Allay’s attention.

“ Hey Allay!” she harshly whispered. “ I sorta broke the vase and cleared some space.” she added. Just then Allay’s eyes went in “Uh-Oh” Allay knew that was an emergency she quickly ran into the claustrophobic restroom. There wasn’t enough room for them to move. Allay’s big boobs pressed against Sacara’s face and hands.

“ Grab my ones I wearing.” Said Allay. (Sacara had never seen Allay without her underwear on). Sacara slipped down to Allays crotch. Sacara felt a large lump in Allay’s panties. Sacara pulled down Allay’s pants and a huge, red, floppy, penis hung out. Sacara so tempted to grab it. She reached her tougue out and licked the tip of Allay’s penis. Sacara looked under her balls and saw a pussy too!

“ Oh that tickle me!” said Allay.

What do you do:

Star Wars: Dark Legends- Fuck up Allay

Star Wars: Dark Legends- Ignore the Distraction

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