Maple: Go get it yourself.

From Create Your Own Story

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Glancing around quickly to make sure there's still no customers as of yet you tap Erybelle on the shoulder to get her attention. As usual she's been zoning out but she jumps slightly at your touch. "We're out of catmint, I'm gonna run to the Church and get some quickly. Could you watch the booth?" Erybelle nods and you give her a quick hug before getting up to leave.

Just as you're about to step out from under the willow tree Erybelle calls you back. "Maple?" she says with a slight quiver in her voice. You turn back to her, "Yes?" She hesitates a moment before replying, "Just, hurry back alright?" You give her a reassuring smile before rushing off. Usually you would scold her for being such a baby but there's something about the air this morning that makes you uneasy. You think Erybelle feels it too. Shivering, you quicken your already brisk pace, your hand raising subconsciously to the crown of flowers that Erybelle made you for comfort.

It all started years ago at the orphanage. When Erybelle first came to the orphanage you felt bad for her, the last home she'd stayed at had had, well, less than ideal living conditions to say the least, she came to Lady Lavendale's Home for Girls rather scrawny and timid, afraid of her own shadow even. At the orphanage you were somewhat of the top dog and you made sure everyone knew it. You never had to do that with Erybelle though. Aside from the fact that she didn't pose much of a threat, she seemed eager to listen to your advice and be your friend. The evening after her arrival you went to her bed while she was outside playing and left what you called a flower crown of confidence. It was actually just a looped chain of flowers big enough to wear as a crown but you hoped it would help her feel stronger and less timid. On your way back outside you bumped into her coming in and she quickly hid something behind her back giving you a smile. Smiling back at her you went around her to get back outside. But when you came back inside that night you found a crown of flowers lying neatly on your pillow. Looking over at Erybelle you saw her holding the one you had made for her, smiling at you. You smiled back and from that day on the two of you had been friends. You'd even taught her how to read and write.

A twig breaking snaps you out of your thoughts and you whirl around on high alert. Luckily it's just a rabbit hopping across the path. You turn around and continue to walk quickly, Erybelle thinks you're paranoid but you prefer to describe it as 'cautious'. You're nearly at the Church now and you scan your surroundings carefully before kneeling down to gather some of the catmint into your basket. You finish hastily and stand up, scanning your surroundings once more. As you look over them you notice some wild flowers growing on the other side of the dirt path.

What should you do?

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