Erybelle: Try to sneak away.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:01, 13 February 2013 by The Shipping Witches (Talk | contribs)

You feel yourself begin to tremble as you back away slowly, your blood an icy liquid that remains frozen in your veins. You can feel the adrenaline trying to warm you but a frigid trepidation had settled in your stomach, inching up your throat. You whip around, eyes darting nervously for some pathway to open itself. To your surprise as soon as you turn around there he is, glaring down on you. His body is wide, blocking your view, oppressive. You shrink beneath his scorching gaze. You know that if you tried to run at this point he could catch you, grab you with his sturdy hands and snap you like a twig. There's nothing more you can do than try and talk your way out of this.

"G-Good morning sir, how can I be of assistance today?" You quote rigidly, trying not to look at him.

"No need for pleasantries, witch." He spits. You take one look at his face and feel a scream begin to form.

"Um, I d-don't understand..." You mumble clumsily, stumbling backwards as you stare up at him.

"We've come today to end your reign of evil on this town. You have burned one too many lambs with your hellfire, you have lead too many innocent hearts into temptation, sin, and eternal damnation. Today shall be your judgement day. Prepare yourself." He booms each word like thunder, and somewhere in the distance you hear the sound of the church bell. That's when your heart skips a beat and you take off. You run like you've never run before, the wind tearing at you, your feet tripping over themselves, your lungs sucking in air greedily.

It's no use though. There are more men. They appear out of the forest, from between the trees to your right, from behind the bushes to your left. Their hands and rope tear at you, everywhere there is their laughter and your pain. Together they forcefully bind your legs together, poking you with their pitchforks that leave little trickles of blood in their wake. You shriek and squeal and cry out to God, to Maple, to anyone for help.

The horde carries you above their heads as if you were nothing but a sack of potatoes. Your entire body feels heavy and hopeless. You can't understand what you had done that was so horrible that they would want to hurt you like this. You and Maple had helped so many people... You'd worked for them, congratulated them on their new found love, comforted them when they doubted they would ever find someone. Because in the end all that you'd wanted as payment was for them to be happy, to smile, to forget their pain for a little while. In a world so corrupted by greed and selfishness, it needed every bit of happiness it could get.

But obviously, it wasn't enough.

They carry you to the gallows where they throw you down on a platform surrounded by kerosene soaked branches and dried wood. They rip off your overcoat until you're in nothing but your stark white dress and your flower crown. The flower crown made with love, white carnations and memories of Maple, your best friend.


You turn your head, ignoring the pain that shoots up through your neck and there she is, next to you. She stares at you with tears in her eyes and the saddest smile you've ever seen. Her dress is muddied and stained, but you've never thought she looked so beautiful.

Watching her, you feel a surge of emotion you can't keep down and you bite your lip until you taste blood. No, no, no! It can't end like this! You and Maple are more than just witches that deserve to be burned!

What should you do now?

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