Bend over and tie your shoes

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:17, 5 February 2013 by Jealco (Talk | contribs)
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"Oh, thanks. I didn't notice." You fix him with a bright smile, which he doesn't notice.

You set your left foot on the bench next to him, keeping your leg straight, and bend down to tie your shoe. As you do so, your breasts pop free of your blouse again. You ignore that for a moment, and finish tying your shoe.

As you do so, his eyes leave your foot, and catch on your exposed breasts. His face flushes, and he stammers, "I...ah...uh...y-y-y-our..." He seems unable to complete the sentence. However, the bulge in his pants has grown quite a bit. You suspect that not only is he awkward around women, he's a virgin, too.

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