Thank him for the offer, but decline.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:53, 19 January 2013 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You got a look at his driver's license while he had his wallet out and learned that his name is Frank Black. You can feel Frank's cum on the crotch of your panties as you walk out of the dressing room. The asshole has come in your unprotected pussy. Your perfect little Japanese body could be knocked up. You need to find the police and have them bust his ass. There might be a police cruiser outside the mall, so you go and check. You pass an adult book store that looks pretty sleazy while looking for a policeman.

A couple of college guys outside the store leer at you. "Man, I'd fuck her so hard she wouldn't walk right for a week," one says as though you weren't even there.

You flush, angry and embarrassed, hoping they don't see the cum stains.

"Fuck yeah! Sign me up for sloppy seconds bro." They laugh and bump fists. You stare hard and give them the finger.

The sound of tires screeching makes you turn around. A police cruiser has rolled up and stopped.

"Officer! Help!" you exclaim.

"These hooligans bothering you, Miss?" he asks, looking past you at the frat boys with one hand on his holster.

"Um... Well, yes. But... But..." You move closer to whisper in his ear. "I was just raped by this guy named Frank Black in the clothing room at the mall."

"I'm sorry to hear that," the officer frowns. "What's your name?"

"My name is Krystal Lee."

"Climb in the back, Krystal, and we'll take a look."

You climb in. There is cage wall between you and the cop, and the car doors don't open from the inside.

You check the clothing store with the officer, but Frank has already left. Once again you return to the police cruiser. The cop runs a check on the name Frank Black, and it turns out only one person by that name lives in this city.

You and the officer drive to Frank Black's house together. The officer lets you out of the car, and the two of you go knock on Frank's door.

Frank opens the door and invites you both inside. You follow the cop inside. Frank is wearing a robe, looking like he just showered.

"Frank?" the cop asks.


"Krystal here says you raped her."

"Raped her? Fuck no, she's a hooker. She charged me five hundred bucks for some pussy."

How can this pervert rape you, shoot your nubile cunt full of his seed before your future husband had a chance, and then call you a whore? you think to yourself.

The officer turns towards you. "Krystal, is this true?"

How do you respond?:

You are possessing:
Asian Geek Girl
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