Deadman Wonderland/Shy Female/4 Beast Gates

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4 Beasts, Act 1

You have just been convicted of multiple counts of murder. You have no memory of doing it, but in your mind you know it probably was you. What else could cause those feather shaped wounds but your axe-blades? What else could have killed 4 armed security guards with such apparent ease as your beast-like, almost demonic subconscious. You always feel it, usually like a whisper at the back of your mind, but, like bug bites, if you ignore it, it goes away for a while. The judge bangs his gavel, waking you from your thoughts. "As I said," he begins in a booming voice. "The only just course of action is Capital Punishment." You are a little surprised at his ruling. You suspected prison time, maybe a life sentence, but death, un-thought of. "You will be sent to Deadman Wonderland, where you will be worked until you are mercifully killed by something or other," he says. He notices your shocked expression and says, with no detectable hint of pity or compassion, "You didn't expect to get out of this alive, did you? You killed 17 people and caused thousands of dollars of damage, and thought you'd be allowed to live? You should be thanking me, I extended your life by however long you manage to survive." You are escorted away by several well armed police officers into a bus and seated next to a boy with black hair and gray eyes. He seems, broken is the best word you can think of, he looks depressed and slightly angry, but mostly seems confused. You soon arrive at the prison, which is very colorfully painted and doubles as a tourist amusemeny park. You are led into the prison and lined up while a woman, the warden, you assume from the sword at her hip, looks everyone over while explaining Deadman Wonderland. "My name is Makina, and I run this prison," she says. "In this institution, you will work, you will entertain the tourists, and if you are smart and physically fit, you will live well here, and may even leave here alive. Any questions?" she asks. "Uh, yeah" says a random man, "What size are those titties?" "I'm a G," she replies, sounding bored. Then, a cart crashes into the boy from the bus. The boy drops his stuff, and another boy, the one pushing the cart, apologizes and helps him pick up his stuff. Then Makina steps up to the cart boy and says, "Alright kid, return what you took and I won't cut you open." The boy denies taking anything, so the warden says, "Suit yourself, don't say I didn't warn ya," and cuts a huge gash through his chest. You instinctively reel back in horror, and so do many others. "You-you-you, your crazy!" you cry out without thought. You clamp your hand over your mouth a second too late, and she turns to you. Her face remains neutral as she says "Of course I am, I have to be so I can keep these punks in line."

She shows you to your cell, and tells you that you have the cell to yourself.

The next day

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