F.R.Theory/Pull out the clicker and start pressing buttons

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< F.R. Theory

You fumble in your pocket and pull out the clicker.

Through the waves of pain you are able to press the “return button on the clicker, hoping that somehow this will get you home. As soon as you press the button you feel your body flying forward and the street begins to blur as the pavement under your face goes flying by you.

Everything turns black.

You open your eyes and the room starts to focus. You realize you are back in the class room. You look down at your legs and feel them and although they don’t seem broken, there is still lingering pain where Karen drove over them with her car.

You look up as you hear a voice – it’s your professor’s voice.

“Myths about male domestic violence victims,” your professor is reading from the power point projected behind him.

“Myth number 1,” he says, “only men who are wimps allow themselves to be abused by women.” “Myth number 2,” he continues reading, “the abuser is always the bigger, stronger person and the victim is always the smaller, weaker person.”

You think back to your experience as Juan… yeah, this is a lot more complicated than you thought! As you are lost in thought about Juan, you hear your professor’s voice in the background.

Class isn't over yet and you:

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