Kiss Kerri

From Create Your Own Story

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You plant a long, deep kiss on Kerri. As you do so, you caress her face tenderly. When you finally break the kiss, Kerri looks visibly more relaxed.

"I would never try to hurt you," you whisper. "In fact, I've had a crush on you for a long time."

Kerri blushes deeply. Her voice is so low you can barely make out the words. "You have had a crush on me?"

Keeping your voice to a murmur, you move your lips up against her ear. "Yes, Kerri. You're sweet and kind and incredibly beautiful. I'd be the luckiest boy in 4 states if I were fortunate enough to be your boyfriend."

Kerri blushes even deeper. "Brandon..." Her voice dies and she looks at you with shining eyes. You wonder just how lonely she's been.

"Let me pamper you like you deserve," you husk, keeping your voice very low. "Meet me at the front gate after school."

Kerri can't speak, but she nods. You slip out of the bathroom and leave her to finish her business.

When Kerri arrives at the school gate after classes, you take her hand and head in the direction of...

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6th Grade Boy
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