Strange lights

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:24, 17 August 2012 by Kenny24 (Talk | contribs)
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Dax had made a few steps towards the console as she saw a glow from the corner of her eye. She looked and could see a reflection of a weak flickering light on the wall which was moving. Dax was annoyed that she didn't take a phaser along but she couldn't help it now. She crept cautiously through the stacked cargo to look at the illumination source.

Finally, between two stacks of boxes she could see a cube, with, perhaps, fifty centimeter edges and it was hovering, slowly rotating about a meter above the ground.

Dax had never seen anything like it but realized that she was probably looking at something very special. The cube suddenly turned a light on, directed at Jadzia. The area began to glow blue and hum. After a few moments, an impersonal voice came from it.

"Humanoid...Female...Trill...37 years..." It was followed by other terms which presumably were readings.

Since Dax had been noticed, she saw no point in hiding behind the crates and stepped out.

Jadzia was not reckless. She quickly checked the possible escape routes. She found plenty of opportunities and took a deep breath to calm down a bit.

"I am Jadzia Dax, Starfleet officer of the United Federation of Planets. You are aboard the space station Deep Space Nine." Jadzia observed the blue area flickering at each of her words.

"I am assuming that you are a probe" she said.

The cube did not move

"I will now use a tricorder to scan you. The procedure is safe."

The cube still did not respond. Dax slowly raised her hand and activated the tricorder. At that moment, the surface of the cube lit up in a bright light. Jadzia was blinded and turned away. The cube went out and it was dark again.

Before responding, several thin ropes shot out and wrapped around her slender body. Her arms were pressed aginast her body because the very thin ropes writhed quickly around her. Her legs were wrapped and constricted. The polymer fibers wrapped around her breasts and tied her up in the air. She fell headlong to the ground.

"Positive...18...key test subject secured...enviromental analysis completed...prepare for transport"

Dax struggled to breathe but watched what was happening. There was a water-like surface that the cube and her were moving across. A black abyss appeared and became larger with distorted space. It was as if a funnel was in the air. When the hole was about three feet in diameter, a bright light shone in the middle of the black spot which spread rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, she was in the middle of a room. A hole led into another room. The sight of the room's contents did not comfort Dax: metal, machinery, more cubes, everything did not seem to have any biological aspects. A world of machines. A second cube flew through the hole. The two cubes were floating at Dax's head and foot. Then she felt herself being lifted by an invisible force field.

The two cubes transported her through the hole which closed immediately thereafter. The two cubes were determined to carry Dax through the room by artificial gravity. Units, brackets and cables covered every surface. The cubes managed to get Dax through an circular airlock of about three meters in diameter. The airlock was spherical and seemed to have the surface of silver metal and was completely smooth.

The cubes took Dax to the center of the sphere and then the first cube removed itself, the second cube waited.

Suddenly, the polymer parts from Dax's body dissolved and soared to the top of the room where they disappeared quickly. When the last fiber was gone, the cubes left and the sphere was locked shut. For the next moment, Dax floated alone in a spherical space with an impeccable metal surface as she tried to order her wild thoughts. One of the smallest questions was how she could see in the enclosed space without a light source.

What happens to her next?

Equipment Nothing
Location {{{Location}}}
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