Ongoing Story\Experienced slut

From Create Your Own Story

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Chapter 3: Shadows over Tanisor

Night has fallen. You sneak over the rooftops of the city of Tanisor, soundless, just one dark shadow among the others. You take a few steps to gather your speed, and somersault with unhuman agility to a roof across the street, landing with catlike grace. You find the roof-hatch your instructions mentioned, oil the hinges to make it soundless, and open it with care. For a brief moment, the moonlight reflects in your golden hair and naked steel blades. You dive into the room and hit the floor rolling, a dagger in one hand and a magic lightstone giving off a pale, green sheen in the other. You immediately regain your feet, assuming a defensive position.

"Hello, Kayla", a familiar voice says. "Stylish as ever, I see."

"Always, Amida", you reply with a smile, relaxing.


This is what a viewer with excellent night vision would have seen: The figure that just entered the room from the roof is a short, very slim girl, apparently just under twenty years of age. Dressed in very tight, black leather, a short rapier at her side and several daggers and throwing-knives tucked into her belt. Extremely beautiful, with golden blonde hair and blue eyes. Her slim body fantastically shapely, with a tight, lovely ass, an incredibly slim waist, and breasts that, although not overly large, are pure perfection in shape and firmness.

An even more perceptive viewer would have noticed that the girl's ears are slightly pointed, her eyes somewhat catlike, her grace beyond that possible for a human, and would have rightly concluded that the girl is half elven, her beauty, agility and body bearing witness to the heritage of the fair folk. The same perceptive observer would also have noted several more knives hidden in implausible spots in the the leather outfit that oh-so-lovely hugs every amazing curve of the half-elven girl's body. This observer would have, again correctly, estimated the girls real age to somewhat under 40, half-elves maturing and aging at only half the rate of humans.

The other person in the darkened room, one would have noted, is a woman in her late thirties. "Beautiful" may be too strong a word to use of her, but "good-looking" certainly applies, along with "curvaceous" and "slutty". She's dressed in a rich, revealing silk outfit, and adorned with jewelry. The perceptive observer would have identified her as belonging to the very highest class of prostitutes.


You immediately recognize Amida, a girlhood friend. It was years since you last saw her. This is the first time in ten years that you return to the city of your birth. Amida is the same age as you, but being fully human, the years have begun to take their toll on her. You should have guessed it was she who wanted to see you, when you found a note with directions and a bag of gold in your room at the local inn. The place you've wound up at is the "Ladies in Waiting", the largest and most glorious bordello within hundreds of miles.

"It's lovely to see you again, Amida", you tell her. "You seem to have managed alright."

She smiles. "I own this place now. The best whorehouse in the country. The most scandalous building in realm, next to that one." She points out the window, to the outlines of the ducal castle on a high hill just outside town. Her smile saddens. "And yet I would gladly trade it all away to be ten years younger. I envy you, Kayla."

You go up to kiss and embrace her. "Don't, Amida. We all get just one lifetime. It's what we do with it that matters. Why did you call on me?"

"Perhaps I only wanted to meet an old friend?"

"Don't try that with me. You wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to keep our meeting secret. I hope you're not trying to get me employed here?"

"You would make the most outstanding addition to my girls, and you're always welcome if you change your mind", Amida says, "but no, that's not it. I would like to employ your... special talents."

You suspected as much. Your "special talents", as Amida so discreetly put it, is your outstanding skills as a thief. What makes you so succesful is the full advantage you take of your body, whether it is to make cat burglaries of a difficulty impossible for even the most skilled human, or to use your amazing beauty and sexual skills to achieve your goals in more... pleasant ways.

"What do you want me to procure, Amida?" you ask your old friend.

"A small treasure kept by the Duke. It's kept in a velvet-lined box in his treasury, and it looks like this" Amida responds, drawing a ten-inch long ivory dildo from the folds of her dress. "This is just a replica -- the original, that the Duke owns, is magical. I'd pay you five thousand pieces of gold for it -- the uses I could put it to here are without limit..."

The Duke. You glimpse out of the window, and again see the outlines of the Dukes castle. You shiver. Most people would agree that duke Korol of Tanisor is not really an evil man, just far, far too lustful and with an overly fertile imagination. Alone among the lords of the lands, he practices the old tradition of droit de signeur, the right to be the one to deflower every virgin in his domain. This alone come to several young girls per day, but in addition to this, the ducal harem is said to surpass anything that even even "Ladies in Waiting" can provide in terms of the beauty of its girls and the sexual satisfaction and variation available. Even darker rumours of horrible sexual perversions taking place in the deep bowels of the castle surface now and again, and who could tell the truth of them... What do you do now?

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