The Grand Arena / Virtual Arena

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The Grand Arena

The Virtual Arena: Setup Phase


The Story:


Four friends were walking through the crowded new mall that had just opened down the street. These four girls were extremely excited, loving to shop and spend as much time together as possible. This activity was the best of both worlds. The mall was super unique in the fact that it was the most technologically advanced mall out there. Everything was lit up in cool lights and just about everything was either automated or touch screen. All the different stores had something to add to the spirit of technology boasting something new in each place. The girls had only delved into it slightly and had no idea what else the mall would bring.

It wasn't long before the four girls finally walked into a store named 'Virtual Clothing and More'. The immediately found out that they could walk up to these special devices and instantly see what they would look like with any kind of clothes sold at the store. The girls were estatic and spent quite a while trying on different new clothes. They were very good looking girls so they looked good in everything so it was hard to pick out the perfect outfit.

Watching these four girls was a woman who worked at the store who had been in the back for a while. These four girls were very good looking and were very care free and adventurous. They were exactly what she had been looking for. Approaching the girls, the woman complimented them on their choices so far and then continued to help them with the various options available. Unlocking content they couldn't usually reach, the woman got the girls to really look up to her.

That is when the woman decided to spring the thing that had been on her mind since spotting the girls. She told the girls about a special machine they had in the back, one that would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. The girls quickly decided they wanted to see it, excited to be the first to try something from this store. They would be the most popular kids in school for sure! Not to mention they were having the time of their life! Little did they know, what they were about to be shown would be on a completely different level.

Once in the back where no one would disturb them, the woman showed them four machines she had in a corner behind some clothes. The girls looked over them excitedly as she explained what they were and what they did. They were virtual reality machines, you got inside one and put a disc over your head and you would be in a totally other world. Not only was it a virtual realy machine, but it was a game that needed four players, which is why she had brought the four back there. And then, she told them they may be intimidated by what the world is, but that if they could accept it they would have the best time they had ever had and probably the best time they ever would. The girls jumped on the prospect and the woman explained. It was a sex game. The girls were shocked, but at the same time excited. They were adventurious enough to hear what the woman had to say.


The Game:


The four girls will be seperated into the four different machines and a virtual world will appear. Each of the four girls will have a vital part to play in the game. Three of the girls will be creating and controlling the world with specific roles while the fourth girl plays the game the other girls create. The fourth girl would be the only player and have to explore and achieve objectives set up by the other girls and have to do whatever they want. It was the hardest position, but also potentially the most rewarding. The other three girls each had a different role in setting up the world and game for the player character. They are as follows:


The 'SO' player is the one who originally designs and creates the game in the first place. She creates a landscape and a mission or missions to complete inside that landscape. She is the one who starts off the game. Once she has created everything she may of course change things as she wishes.


The 'CM' player is the one who fills the SO's players world with people and creatures for the player character to interact with. She also gives these characters motives and missions of their own. They may try to stop the player character or hinder her. She may even make the game turn into another direction than the original objective.


The 'IC' player is the one who puts in all the items into the game and decides what the characters the CM player puts into the game are wearing. She also decides what the player character is wearing at all times. While the other two controllers get to set up the world and objectives the IC player gets to set the details in her favor.

With all this said, the four girls need to choose who was going to be what in the game. They had to each decide who would be best as what subject matter along with doing it right. The player character was the most important person to pick however, she was going to be the one dealing with the world of her friends. Other rules include the fact that the other players can't physically enter the game so they have to wait for the player character to finish her round before they can join. Whenever the player character fails an objective she may have the choice to switch out with someone else. She does not have to however and the other girls can decline keeping her in that position.


The Girls:



Melissa is the most popular girl in the group, well liked in school and always good with the boys. She is the one always getting the girls into trouble and loves doing crazy spontaneous things along with getting into as much adventures as possible. She has the feeling she is better than everyone else and is better than most girls realistically. She is atheletic and smart and does well in school. When she doesn't do well she can always get the teachers to help her out. She doesn't play by the rules and loves to mix things up.

As a player character, Melissa would likely to do well jumping into everything head on. She would try her hardest and dominate anything by strength of will. The keys to getting to her however would most likely be domination or humiliation scenarios where she doesn't feel dominant anymore. She would likely do well sexually. As a SO player Melissa would design scenese and objectives based on making the other girls go through as much sexual activity as possible testing them and pushing them. As a CM player Melissa would likely design very dominant and sexual characters design to heat things up and throw as much chaos into the mix as possible. And lastly as a IC player Melissa would just dress the girls in hot popular clothing and with rather direct instead of inventive items.


Sarah is the most successful in the group, doing extremely well in school and has a promising life ahead of her. She is likely the most normal personality wise not having any crazy out of the ordinary traits. She is nice, polite, and generally fits in well. She is popular for her grades and looks but does not generally seek it or hang out with the popular crowd. She is generally good at sticking to the rules and likes more ordinary things. Sometimes she is too strict for her own good but she generally likes it that way.

As a player character, Sarah would likely be the average player. She would fall for the traps and do what she is expected to do. The sexual challenge she would be embaressed about but good at and likely be a hard enough worker to get her objectives done in any scenario. The best way to get to her would be to make her submissive or hopeless. As a SO player Sarah would design worlds that were the most standard but with a creative knack. She would make the player character work hard for her objective and might possibly make the hardest ones. As a CM player Sarah would make a large variety of characters to fit perfectly into any scene. She is not likely to mix things up but go with the SO's plans. As a IC player Sarah would likely dress in a more formal attire, if not still sexy. Her items might swing more towards the bondage side.


Clair is the most rich in the group, coming from a wealthy family and sharing her wealth often with her friends. More of an eccentric individual Clair is most certainly the most strange out of the group. She is known for saying strange things and having strange tastes and always is trying to push the bounds of things. She is fun and likes to try new things but in a different direction than Melissa. Not well likely outside of the group of friends, Clair values them greatly and holds no expense in their favor and they look the other way by some of her more unusual habits.

As a player character, Clair is likely to unpredictable. If handled well she may like what the players are trying to stop her with, or dislike something they are trying to please her with. It will both help her and hurt her as she plays. She is up to most things however and is likely to be the most accepting of just about anything they throw at her. Is most likely to do the worst in straight up hardcore sex with no devious incursions. As a SO player Clair would likely design the most unique and different levels and objectives making the player character go through a truely unique experience. As a CM character Clair would most likely design the most unique and sexually deviant character of the bunch. Her characters might be the hardest to deal with for the player character. And as a IC player Clair's characters would be wearing very sexy but strange clothing and have items the player character is unlikely to see coming.


Brittany is the most artistic of the group, tending to be in the more hipster/outcast group when not with the four. She is nice but can have an attitude and generally looks down on whatever is popular. Brittany likes to be different for differents sake but at the same time doesn't try to stand out in the public eye. She can be shy, if not rash at times, but still likes to do what she can to be unique. Brittany is also the most fashionable out of the group and is valued for her amazing clothing expertise to make the other girls and herself look very good.

As a player character, Brittany is likely to be firm and accepting of things she shouldn't be. Straight up sexual encounters won't phase her and even deviance shouldn't strike her as hard as the other girls. She however is likely to get the most embaressed and may suffer for it. She however is likely to do the best in strange circumstances and has a creative mind to get through things. As a SO player Brittany is likely to create creative circumstances and scenery that are more details or nicer than the rest. Her objectives might be a little weird to the player character however. As a CM player Brittany is likely to have very strange and unique characters that challenge the bounds of the player characters sexuality and do things to them they didn't expect or perhaps even want. As a IC player Brittany will likely be unpredictable and establish clothing that no one expects with items that will be a mix of direct and odd.


The Story: 2


At this point the girls all know each other very well and decide that they are all up for playing the game. The girls instantly start debating and trying to figure out who will fill what role. The woman director kindly steps backs and readies the machines as the girls each make their own decisions. The first and most important question comes first however: which of the four girls will fullfill the main roll of the player character?

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