
From Create Your Own Story

< Temptation
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You keep fingering him, working your fingers in and out of his hot body. Every so often Father Durham will let out a cry of pleasure and his hips will jerk wildly against you when you brush against a certain spot inside of him. Soon the reverend Father is a shaking, shivering mess beneath you, and his moans are rising in pitch and intensity, fervent "Oh!"s and drawn out groans spiraling high under the church's lofty ceiling.

You reach around Father Durham and grasp his cock with your free hand, and he moans in appreciation. It is slick with pre-come and ready to burst its heavy load. You fist it energetically, plunging Durham into further ecstasy. He cries out, "Oh - ! Please . . . I need to - !" and moans.

"What is it you want, Father?" you tease, twisting your fingers inside him.

He gasps out in embarrassment, burying his face in his hands against the pew, "I need to come," he whispers hoarsely, "Oh, God, let me come!"

You chuckle. You are no god, but you find that spongy spot along the wall of his ass and gently stroke it. His cries spill out from him as his walls clench around your fingers and his cock jerks in your hand. You stimulate that little spot and soon you hand is wet with stick liquid and Father Durham is gasping and choking out sounds of pleasure.

You remove your fingers from his ass and your hand from his cock. You wipe the white come onto the reverend Father's black cassock and leave him there, clutching the pew with shaking hands as you exit the church. The last sight you see of Durham is his exposed white ass leaning over the pew with his cassock still pushed over his hips.


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