Go to Emil's room to see what was up, he usually doesn't act this way

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Trying to stand the pain you go to his dorm room. You hear the noise of a football game, and others cheering. Your hand is bruised and aching, but you raise it up to knock on his door. He's the same as he's always been, putting on a show for the girls then having fun with the guys. But his happy face disappears when he sees how torn up you are.

Your jaw is hurt and your neck still hurts from his grip but you still manage to talk." Why did you beat me up earlier?" you asked. You really wondered why. You didn't think he knew you were watching him, and that look in his eye was strange.

"What are you talking about?"Emil countered,"That doesn't matter, come inside you need help." He tries to get you to come in, but you push him away. Now you knew something strange was going on, and started limping down the hallway."Hey guys I'll be right back 'kay?" He started after you, and now was walking beside you.

"You just wouldn't understand,"you said, and stopped to face him. He did look confused, and you felt a small stream of blood on your face. He combed your hair back, and his eyes widened. Now he had seen your bruised and beaten face, but still beautiful, you two looked straight into each others eyes for a long time. In that time he understood everything, you didn't know it but he did, and he took you into his arms.

When you woke up you were in your bed, but you weren't alone. It was your dad, in human form, where he was a 40-year-old wine merchant from France."DIDN'T I TELL YOU TO NEVER LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!" He boomed, he sighed and calmed down" You should have sent me a message..."

"I'm sorry,"you said," What about that guy-"

"Ah him, he's a talented one, you know he's actually a wizard right?" You felt stupid. So THAT'S what the strange glow in his hand was, power, magic. "That look in his eye was cast from Herare." Herare, the great wizard of Mumbojumbia, but he's getting old, and needs someone to succeed him. But he didn't want someone to succeed him, he wanted to be alive for ETERNITY, one of you responsiblilities. If he could get the Eternity power from you he could make his life last forever."Lucky that boy didn't make a move on ya or I woulda KILLED him. Ha, so moving on, I got the others to try tracking him down, you'll be under watch at all times, otherwise you can live your life. Now you better study for that test, we didn't heal you so you wouldn't feel pain." Then he materialized into golden dust. So how much do you study?

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