D&D: Female Half-elf Rogue

From Create Your Own Story

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Your affinity for grace and wit both hold an edge for your deceptively cunning potential in the field. Taking the appearance of a lost noble, you are light on your feet as a cat which others simply conclude is your dancer's grace. Your "hobby" as dreaming adventurer is taken less seriously by the majority of the city, but that is only an advantage, no one will know your talents until their ability to stop you has dispersed.

No one, that is, but the thieves guild. They have taken notice of you, and by some nerve they tried to rob you, after you stealthily thwarted the attempt and held the "robber" at sword point, the lights came on and the others of the guild applauded you, offering you a position to join them. The invitation is still open, a cause for concern, as they are not happy to simply wait for a response.

You are in no rush to find yourself in a contract, however, you'd like the spoils of your endeavors to remain your own at least a while longer. A new item of sizable value has just arrived in one of the less moral noble lord's estates, a building supposedly impenetrable at the ground floor, but by your glancing observations, one of the balconies on the second story are within jumping distance of a nearby rooftop for some rather easily accessible servants quarters. It's a terrible error, someone might get ideas.

On the other hand, there are other methods of emptying people's pockets without the dreadful risk of being caught (which only serves to take much of the fun out of it) as there are at least two wealthy men who have taken notice of you, in no small part to your own casual seductions. You can twirl one of them around your finger until they've adorned you in riches, find some way to put them at fault for trying to "buy" someone of your Ever so noble stature, and take the purchased effects as punishment for their audacity.

Decisions, Decisions...

D&D: It's time to give the Thieves guild their answer, their impatience may be dangerous.

D&D: A night time raid may be in order, such a rotten man deserves to have his riches plundered.

D&D: Something less stressful, lack of self control makes richer men such an easy mark.

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