User talk:Zoroastra

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:46, 24 January 2012 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)


Please make sure to include the title of the story as a category on each page you post. If you don't know how to add categories, please review the Tutorial, especially Basic page format.--Platypus 19:48, 20 January 2012 (UTC)

Hey, I've been looking through the pages to your story "The Life Of A Medieval Princess", and I'm liking the story so far. I haven't gone through enough of it so far to say if I have a "favorite" character, but there's definitely potential in this. And I really hope you don't mind the little edits I made to the character pages. If you do mind them, feel free to revert them to the original versions. Either way, keep up the good work! --TheElderOnes 20:32, 21 January 2012 (UTC)

You link to your talk page like so:

User talk:Platypus

--Platypus 22:30, 21 January 2012 (UTC)

kk - thx --Zoroastra

I shall definitely check out the full Amelia line later tonight. Oh, and sorry for the late reply. As for your question as to what exactly I edited, all I did was some very minor work on spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and all that type of little stuff that doesn't exactly change the overall look of the page. After all, the editor guide DID say to only make small changes like spelling and the sort to existing pages. :I

But yes, I will check out the Amelia line after I finish trying to figure out how I want a page in the story I'm currently working on, Bloodsport, to look. No matter how many times I write it, I'm never really pleased with it... --TheElderOnes 00:33, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Yeah. Such is the plight of the writer. And all right, I'll be sure to edit things when necessary (while still keeping the flow of the page the same). And now you've got me curious. What is your first language? --TheElderOnes whothefuckknownswhen, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Ah, so you're quadrilingual. That's pretty damn impressive! I can barely even speak basic German, so I am indeed quite jealous. xD --TheElderOnes 05:32, 22 January 2012 (UTC)

Oh, I hadn't thought of that being the explanation for that. I guess that does make a little more sense now, and it adds some depth to the character. --TheElderOnes 11:35, 23 January 2012 (UTC)

I know what you mean, man. It's hard to write an innocent character and not kill them/harm them/whatever many, many times. And gladiator Mia should be pretty interesting. She seems... uh, well suited for it. xD

And yeah, keeping parameters out of the links is a good touch to any story. I use it in Bloodsport to give the links different names than what the pages they link to are titled. As for page titles, there's no way to remove them from that short of rewriting and relinking, but the way I see it, parameters should stay in the page titles, while the real "choices" should be the link name. Example, again, from Bloodsport: The first character, Marissa Proppes, has her pages divided like "MarissaPIntro" and "MarissaPIntro2". But, when I link from Intro to Intro2, the link just reads "Cliché as that may be, you just know that today is going to be different. Bad different." I feel that it's more personal, and I think it fits the story better. But, that's just me. --TheElderOnes 19:46, 24 January 2012 (UTC)

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