MSSY1:Guardian Shield

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:53, 27 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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Previous Attack Energy Shield Enemy Condition
Scythe Cannon 30 30 Moderate Damage
"Get me the Guardian Shield. If nothing else we can stall for some time!" you say.

<System: Selection confirmed. GS transponder detected. Activating recall device. >

The green outline of the guardian shield, designed to be like an actual shield, appears around your robot's right forearm.

In the distance, you see your opponent drop down to one knee as the second shoulder weapon he has pops up over his other shoulder. A very large cannon.

<System: Energy buildup detected. >

It is an energy-based weapon, not that it mattered. You designed the shield to protect you completely from anything, and everything, even your own attacks.

You ready your robot, giving it a balanced stance as your opponent builds up energy for his blast.

<System: Energy buildup is peaking. He can fire at any moment. >

You raise your arm as the shield materialzies. It looks like a giant robot-sized buckler, too small to be used effectively, but you wanted it that way to lure opponents into wasting energy on attacking you. After all, what threat are you with a tiny little shield that barely covers an eighth of your robot?

The black metal shield is special though, and it takes a good eye to spot the thin, folded-up metal sheets in its' compact state.

Your opponent launches his attack seconds later. A thick, purple beam of energy erupts from his shoulder cannon with enough force to push his robot back a few feet.

You wait until the beam is just about to hit you, then jam on the button to activate your Guardian Shield.

The buckler quickly unfolds itself, the plates unfolding and expanding outward until you no longer have a buckler. You now have a solid wall made of an extremely strong alloy attached to your arm. You plant your machine's feet into the earth as the purple energy beam strikes your barrier and explodes.

You're dug in so well the force of the blast doesn't even move you. You hold your ground and once the attack has passed, your shield folds back down into its' compact state.

<System: Energy reserves down to 30%. Shield remains at 30%. I am now able to detect offensive ordinance transponder signals. All your weapons are at your disposal. >

You now had an advantage. The dust and smoke kicked up by the explosion is blocking your opponent's view of you, and you have two attacks spring to mind that you don't even need to see him to use.

Select Your Action
Swarming Bee Missiles [15 EN] Glowdisk [25 EN]
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