Head to the alley behind the school to meet Melony and her friends.

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You head down to the alley, a little dissapointed about missing out on debate. Still, Melony is fierce and independent, as though she can get away with anything. You hate to admit it, but she seems impossibly cool. "Hey." Melony gives you another simple nod as you approach. "Hi..." You say nervously, glancing wearily at her friends, who take no notice of you. You recognize the other three girls- Paula, Sandra and Mindy. They're the meanest, toughest girls at school, and you're glad they take no notice of you.

Melony looks around quickly before wordlessly thrusting a little pouch into your hands. "What's this!?" You cry out, and Melony's friends look over at you with disdain. Melony looks at you like you're stupid, then shakes her head as though deciding to dismiss it. "Our buddy John got busted with some dope this morning... you know, a "random" locker search." She says sarcastically. "You hold on to this until school lets out, and meet us back here with it. No ones gonna search you, miss goody-two-shoes!" You stare at her, dumbfounded. "Wh-what is it?" You ask timidly. Melony shakes her head at you again. "Don't ask, just go before the principle sees us talking and guesses what we're up to!" She takes you by the shoulder, turns you around, and walks away. As you begin to walk away, you hear Paula shout to you;"Hey, bitch! Don't fuck this up, or I'll beat your ass!" You hurry away, mind racing. Should you turn them in? Or try to win them over? And what's in the bag?

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