SM:Warn the Lady

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:08, 16 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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"Hey lady! Look out!" you shout.

The woman pulls her head up out of the car and looks in the direction of your voice.

"Behind you!" you shout again, but it is too late. Before she has a chance to turn around the man has caught up to her.

He smacks her in the back of the head from behind and she drops out of your sight behind some of the cars. He aims his gun down and fires off a few shots then gets in the car.

You watch, unable to do anything further, as he starts the engine. He speeds out of the parking space, around the line of cars and makes for the exit to the plaza.

He doesn't seem to notice the bus pulling in as he rushes toward it. You expect a crash but at the last second he swerves, loses control of the vehicle, and it ends up rushing toward the platform you and several others are standing on.

Several people scream and move out of the way but one of them doesn't. A young man with an iPod clipped to his belt and some ear buds in his ears doesn't seem to hear, or see the approaching danger. You have precious few seconds left.

Time Remaining: :19

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