Ultimate Fantasy Weekend

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:34, 31 October 2011 by Wolfsbane (Talk | contribs)

The story outline:

You’re a single,athletic eighteen year old guy(from a well off family), living in your first apartment,just out of boarding school,rent paid for by your parents. You are enjoying a lazy sunday afternoon,relaxing in your rather large reclining leather armchair, overlooking the south dorset coast.You are looking through the paper for a summer job, before you go to university. When you see an advert for"Required a team leader for a girl scout summer camp". Being as you have top grades in your physical education classes,and some high power friends, that owe you some favours(for yor help in past escapades). You see this as perfect way to quench some of your perverted lusts. So the next day, you apply for the job, and armed with your perfect references. A week later,you get the job, they send you all of the information about the week long camp and you spend the next week thinking of all possibilities that await you there.

Two weeks later you arrive at the camp.

Those wishing to contribute should wait, till I have finished

Health 100 Equipment:


MP {{{MP}}}
Level 1

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