User talk:The Hand

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:05, 15 September 2011 by TheElderOnes (Talk | contribs)
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Please make sure you include the status bar and category on all the pages you write. --Platypus 14:27, 25 January 2010 (UTC)

Again. Include the category on every page you post. --Platypus 16:21, 30 January 2010 (UTC)

Warning. Pages without categories might simply be deleted. INCLUDE THE CATEGORY. --Platypus 10:34, 5 March 2010 (UTC)

Do not change the names of links to existing pages. Doing so breaks the link. If you're moving a page to a new title, please give some indication that this is what you're doing so it doesn't look like a storyline has been dropped into Limbo --Platypus 13:38, 5 March 2010 (UTC)

You know, the reason I didn’t contributed to Lady Van Helsing earlier is because the writing simply too good. It’s easily the best written adult story on this site so I didn’t really want to lower the standards on the writing. But since it had been inactive for so long I decided to add to it anyway. I will probably continue writing some more on it.

By the way in what year does the story take place? The picture of Dorian Gray has been written (great novel by the way) but Anastasia still travels in a carriage. Dorian Gray was released in 1890 so I’m guessing somewhere around the early 1900?

Thanks for contributing to The Devils Daughter by the way. I’ve created so many damn unresolved story arcs on that story it’s getting ridiculous.

Accepts Oscar, cries a bit, thanks God despite being an atheist, forgets the names of all other who contributed to the story, gives a douchebag speech and is despised for the rest of my life... On second thought I probably should have thanked the Devil too.

Thanks man, you also have a story with an impressive page count, ninth highest on the site infact! Congratulations!


Thank you, 500 pages and most edits still concern the first victim :)

--Fletcher Peninsula

Lady Van Helsing

Hi. I've added some pages to this story in the Egypt thread, and I wanted to touch base with you with a couple of things, just to make sure my ideas are OK for your story.

  • Dr Dexter is Nyarlathotep (from Lovecraft). As an eldritch abomination, a couple of erotic scenes I have in mind involving him might stray a bit far into the 'horror' side of horror erotica.
  • A couple of the paths I have planed for the mysterious woman (who is the spirit of the mummy a la Jewel of the Seven Stars) have options that result in Lady Van Helsing's death. I will try always to leave a way out of it.

Anyway, I hope you like my additions. Jean Diable 23:57, 7 June 2010 (UTC)

Regarding The Name "Bethany Cross"

Hey, I was browsing the pit of abandoned stories and came across your older "School Is Hell" thing. I like the name you have for the main character, Bethany Cross, and I was wondering if I could possibly use it for a character in a future story I'm planning. If not, that's cool, I understand. Just running this by you first. --TheElderOnes 12:05, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

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