Tell Fukutovs to send you some men and you'll lead a frontal assault on Grigoriy's hideout

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'll get her back," you tell Fukutovs. "But I'll need some muscle. I've been in that place before" [you have, actually -- a few years back when Fukutovs sent you to meet Grigoriy to try and form an alliance] "and there's no way one man can take out everybody. It would be suicide."

"I'm sending 15 of my best shooters immediately," Fukutovs snarls. "Don't leave a single one of those motherfuckers alive."

Two days later, you've gone over the plan with your temporary crew. You've drawn a map of what the place looked like when you visited and come up with what should be a workable plan. And you're starting at 3 a.m. local time, when human reaction times are at their worst.

Your four snipers use silenced rifles to pick off the patrolling sentries. The you all move into the complex itself. As you round the first corner, a fierce gunbattle breaks out, but your men have the initiative. You kill all 15 of Grigoriy's first wave of guards with only 2 of your men felled.

You approach the next corner and stop. You know it's a good spot for an ambush. So you and your 4 leading men take out one grenade each, simultaneously pull the pins, and roll 2 and throw 3 around the bend. Five simultaneous explosions ring out and as you come around, you see the bloody remains of Grigoriy's ambush team. Eight of your remaining men kick in the doors to the four side rooms -- two per door -- and clean up what they find in there. You and your remaining five men proceed down the now-empty halls until you reach the heart of Grigoriy's lair.

You signal for your team to step back, and carefully place shaped explosive charges against the cement walls. They won't do any harm to anyone inside -- you certainly don't want to risk injuring Nadia -- but will create a distraction and an opening for your men to get in with surprise.

You push the detonator button. BANG!!! Ther's a cloud of cement dust in the air. You and your men emerge from it. Grigoriy has Nadia tied to a chair. Before he can react, you put a bullet into his no-reflex zone.

"Are you OK?" you ask Nadia, untying her. She recognizes you at once.

"I'm fine, Iosif," she says, still a bit shaky. "I was worried when that bastard grabbed me. I figured Uncle Zane would send someone to get me back, but I know how difficult the place is to fight through." She spits contemptuously on Grigoriy's corpse. "Bastard!" she snarls at the dead leader of the Moscow mafia.

You collect your remaining men -- two more died in the firefights in the small rooms -- and Nadia before heading out. You set timed detonators in every room of the hideout, activating them for 3 hours later. You leave behind all the corpses of Grigoriy's men, take a picture of Grigoriy's body with the gaping hole in his forehead, and return to your house in Moscow.

3 hours later, the Moscow police are called to the scene of a tremendous explosion. It seems the hideout of Moscow's main mobster was completely destroyed. It'll take weeks to identify all the people killed, and some of them may not even be identifiable by dental records.

You send Nadia back with the rest of the crew and a courier from Fukutovs arrives a few days later with a suitcase containing enough money that you can live off it for 10 liftimes.

Health 100 Equipment:

AK, Piles of Cash

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