Shrug your shoulders dismissively, and continue to observe your surroundings

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:34, 5 September 2011 by Mieliciosa (Talk | contribs)

You decide to stay where you are and hang around the beach for a little while longer, while still fully aware that you have to be up early tomorrow. The sea glistens darkly as if calling you over to the shore. The air feels cool against your skin and the entire scene is something straight out of a romance novel. You take it all in slowly and breathe calmly. You've never felt more relaxed. But you also feel tired. Not wanting to go back to the hotel and abandon this opportunity for relaxation just yet, you sit yourself down against a large rock and begin to close your eyes, just to rest them. As your lids lower themselves, the rosy-orange sky fades into slits and then, blackness. When you open them after what feels like seconds, the sky is now a bruised purple. You then realise you had fallen asleep. Embarassed, you stand up and dust yourself down, getting rid of any grains of sand stuck to you.

It's now night-time. What do you want to do? Head back to my hotel room, finally Check out the beach bar

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