Tell her the truth and everything that had happened from the very last detail

From Create Your Own Story

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After telling her everything about this machine and how it wants you dead as well as what its capable of doing even though its in bad condition. The captain looks you over again and then finally says "Well, this seems to have gone a little more south than i had expected, but before anything else comes up i better introduce myself, i am Captain Eliza Rosenthurn of the ship Galactica, what is your name young one?" You sit on the spot trying to process what all has been said and say "I am Clark Rogan of cantron town, im a Resourcer." She looks at you with confusion and says "Oh you mean a Scavenger! Why didnt you say so?" with hidden disgust you blurt "Because it helps my selfesteem to know i dont just pick things to the bone for pleasure." The captain just shrugs and looks over to the right and seems to be a little bit on the happy side when she notices someone comming "Ah! Here they come! My lumps that i call scouts. OVER HERE YOU FOOLS!" The two men show up in front of her with a salute and you notice right away who they are. They are the two men from when you first found the Hand, the one with the pistol and the other with the machine gun so you say out loud "I remember you two! I saw you when i uncovered that hand for the first time!" The two men look at you wierd and the pistol man says "....whos that cap'n?" Eliza seemed a little displeased for the inconvenience but says "That there is Clark Rogan a dirty kid, and Clark, these two men are Clide", you notice since your closer that Clide who carrys the pistol had a big scar on his left eye "and Tide", also for Tide you notice he has long sideburns and a gold earing in his right ear as well as the machine gun..."they are brothers and scouts for my land missions." You wave and the two men just look at each other and begin telling the captian that there was a siting of the machine not too far from their location. The captain starts to look worried and says "We need to capture this thing and disarm it..any ideas?"

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