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From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:26, 1 September 2011 by Jimbonian (Talk | contribs)
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You leap to your feet and get in the way once again screaming "Get out of here you filthy lizard and leave my father alone!" Enraged the Garucian leaped forward to stab you in the gut but you feel the shove of your father as he knocks you to the side, the lizard man couldnt stop leading the sword to gouge your father straight in the chest. Laying on the floor you couldnt think of anything but just simply lie here upon the ground. The Garucian seemed a little surprised but he just flicked the blood from his sword and sheathes it, with nothing left to say the lizard just walked out of the shack and turns around to look at you and your father then they both just dissapear. Sitting next to your father choking and sobbing only one word came from your mouth several times "dad....dad........dad?" Your father slowly looks over at you and says in a quiet voice "Clark..are you ok?" You shake your head yes and start to cry a little more while your father starts to pet our head and say "Its ok Clark, its my time to go anyways.....just take what money you can gather and leave this town for good before they come back again." You look at your father and ask "why? Why do i have to leave dad?" Your father begins to look at the ceiling of the shack and starts to spit up blood while muttering "Those..are bad people Clark...and if some come, more will follow...be a good boy Clark..no...a good man.." then your father goes limp and stares un-blinking at the ceiling. You start to cry a little while longer and finally after a couple of hours you come to a conclusion..

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