Step in his way and try to void the aliens attmept to get your father

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Jummping in front of your father you spread your arms wide in an attmept to stop the alien from getting to your father. The Garucian just looks at you in an irritated state and asks in a crackling deep voice "What Kid?" Standing in front of him you just look about and ask "What do you want with my father?" The alien just stares at you and then with out hesitation pounds you right in the face with a quick palm knocking you off balance and onto the floor, laying there the alien walks up to your father and asks him in the same voice as before "You are Michael Rogan yes?" Your father just stands in the same spot and answers "Yes, yes i am, can i help you Mr...." The alien blurts out "Larngo, i have a question for you. Have you heard of the War Machines from your so called Great War?" Your father stands still for a second and then answers again "Yes, long ago from my grandfather, this is all i have learned of these War Machines." The lizard man stands there for a bit and asks another question "Where can we find one here?" Your father looks directly at you then back at the alien "I hae no idea of any in the area, they were lost long ago to the elements." The same Irritated look came upon the lizards face, this time followed by the alien un-holstering his sword and pointing it at your father.

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