Make a Break for it

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:17, 10 August 2011 by PhinnyGene (Talk | contribs)
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Quickly thinking up a solution, you open the door leading out and get out a wallet from your pocket, it's empty of course. As you walk around the cab leading towards the college you make a break for it, running away from the taxi as the driver yells at you in a foreign language. In fact, you are so busy looking backwards at the taxi you fail to realise the Campus security officer standing right in your path. With a loud slam you smash into him, both of you falling to the ground in a heap.

He sits up slightly looking pissed off, grabbing you by the shirt he drags you along to his office. As he takes you, you note the name on his badge, Officer Atlas? You laugh a little at how 'porn star' the last name is. Though looking at him, he wouldn't look out of place in one, thanks to his well toned body and slick black hair.

Inside his office, he sits you down before finally speaking. "Well... What have you got to say for yourself? Seriously, trying to pull that sort of shit, always the same" he continued on about 'Making a name of yourself' and 'The wellbeing of this college' but it all just turned into "BlahBlahBlahBlah"

Looking around the room, you notice various bits and pieces. On the wall is a small set of handcuffs. Poking slightly out of a drawer nearby him is a rather suspect magazine. What to do...

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