Call Kallhan Taxi Services

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:00, 10 August 2011 by PhinnyGene (Talk | contribs)

You reach into your pocket and quickly dial up the Taxi service. The place is practically on speed-dial though given the number of strange places you've woken up in. Within a few minutes, a taxi pulls up. Inside is an older Arab or Pakistani looking stud, stocky-muscular build, dark skin, short hair, and a fair amount of stubble on his face... Not bad...

He breaks your concentration when he hits the horn. He looks over at you with a bored look. With that you clamber inside the back of the taxi.

"Where to?" He asks.

"Kallhan College, please," you meekly answer back, your mind heading back to what on earth you are going to do. As he starts off, you decide to kick off some sort of conversation, mentioning to him that you're just starting at the college.

"Ah" his voice seems to brighten up already "Good place, good place, bit too many randy kids, but what can ya do".

You cheer up a little at that notice, lots of possible fun to get up to then...

About half an hour passes and soon the taxi pulls up nearby at the main College campus. He turns round and asks for the fare. It's at this point you realise... Crap... No money... What to do...

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