Corruption of Princesses/Elsa and Anna : First day : Fellating Helas

From Create Your Own Story

The princess moves in front of the merchants. Helas raises his head to look at her. Elsa take a deep breath as she stares the merchants and what she's about to do. She then slowly slink to her knees before him. His head and eyes goes from up to down as they slowly open in surprise.

"Your highness ? what are you...-"

"Shh" She voices for him to remain silent. Like she did in the meeting so many times. This time, it surprisingly works.

Her hands slowly reaches forward and Helas can feel the princess's fingers pressed against his crotch. Elsa can feel the burdgeoning mass of flesh beneath the pants. The merchant let out a groan remininscent of a pig who got stuck in a fence.

"Your highness !!!..." he begins again.

She raises her head and look into his eyes with all seriousness. "I have offended you my lord. Allow me to earn your forgiveness..." She speaks softly as her fingers presses more against his crotch. He groans again as the mass of flesh writhes beneath her touch and struggles through the tight pants. Elsa sigh deeply as these pants are probably two sizes too small.

She reaches the top with her hands, undo the belt and softly tug it down, freeing the trapped appendage. His fat flacid dick springs out. It looks as sorry and gross as she would expect but she remains impassive. The merchants face is red as an apple. She reaches with her hand once more, this time her soft fingers caressing his slowly engorging dick directly. She dosn't get any more complain from the merchant as he sits in stupefaction. His member seems to struggle and makes effort at throbbing and rising at attention. Helas throws his head backward, holding his glass lazily and dangerously close to spilling. His eyes are close "Your hands are cold, your highness..." the man manages to complaints.

"They are getting warmer" you simply answer while rolling your eyes. Even now he can complain. She continues with her massage but decides to take a more direct avenue for this sorry dick. She leans in, aproaching her lips from the merchant's phallus. Her nostrils are immedietly assaulted by the scent and musk. She shivers and half-closes her eyes. She can't afford to stop now. She use her finger to hang his dick upward and reaches with her lips until they press against the pulsing skin. Helas shivers as the elder princess of Arrendelle is now nuzzling his cock. More blood rushes down to his member as it grows faster. Elsa takes it as a sign and ignores the strong musky taste on her lips and sticks her tongue out, beginning to laps at his penis. The fat members begins to grow to full size as she lap at him lewdly.

The man begin to moan against her touch, his cock pleasurably serviced by her soft wet tongue. It takes a moment for it to reach maturity. It has begun to throbs under her ministrations. She pulls back, a little bit of musk and saliva dripping her from her tongue after being used for such lewd effect and watch his cock covered in her spit. She bites her lower lips and watch his organs struggles against the foreskin. She decides to reach and give it a hand, placing her finger on his cock once more. She ignores the wet feelings of her own saliva upon this man's penis and gently peel, pulling the head out and extracting a gross moans from the fat merchant. She watches in amazement as the pre-cum form from the opening of the top. She gulp...

Moving her lips above the top of the large cock and crown the head with her lips. She immedietly feels the warm humid feeling of the formed up pre-cum on her tongue. It's sticky and taste terribly salty... Despite it, she docily scoop her tongue into the opening, and permaeate her mouth with the strong-scented substance. She can feel it in her mouth now... Her mouth feels tainted but for some reason she can't help but feel aroused as well. Her nipples have begin to pokes out through her robes and she also feels a growing fire kindling between her legs.

She begins to bob her head, extracting more moans from the merchants as she begins to blows him. Helas cannot believe himself. The princess's lips are wrapped around his cock. "Ah... You have a nice way to apologize... Your highness..." he comment lewdly as he looks down. You don't see him as your eyes are focused on the task at hand. He smiles a little, growing confident as he watches Elsa struggle with his fat cock. Seeing her absence of answers, he grins and brings his glass back to his lips, drinking from the cup. His other hand reaches down and Elsa suddenly feel the merchant's fat hand upon her head. She raises her eyes to see a dark glint in his. "Here. Let me help you out, your highness"

With a wicked smiles, his hand grips Elsa's gorgeous hair a bit more tightly and slowly push her head down on his rod. Elsa can feel his cock slide deeper into her mouth then before. She closes her eyes and grunt as the merchant forces his rod into her mouth. She feels her jaw opened wide but can do little. As she tries to move back, Helas prevents her from going to far and pull her right back down. He leans back with a satisfied moans " Ah yes... Just like this."

Elsa breath through her nose, grunting a little from the rough treatement. Her head is brought up and down at the man's convenience. Helas keeps controlling her to and fro. He dosn't stop, using her mouth as his royal cocksleeve. Elsa's head is starting to spin from the lack of proper breathing and the intense smell. Luckily for her... Helas has soon reach his limit. He speeds up and thrust his hips clumsily, humping her mouth. Elsa opens her eyes wides. Look up at him. Her hands now rest from his hips and fruitlessly try to push him back.

With no warning, he suddenly pushes her head down as hard as he can, shoving his cock as deep as her jaw will permit. He throws his head back and let out a satisfied moans of release. She gags and feel the pulsing of his cock against her tongue. The head is heated and it dosn't take long before she suddenly feel a thick sticky substance pouring out of the head and directly in your mouth. She is taken by surprise. With the head so close to her throat, she suddenly breath in the thick scented sperm as it's filling her mouth. She gasp as it flows down her throat but more ropes are on the way. She struggles and pushes against the merchant's laps to no avail. The man is simply holding her head in place and basking in the glow of his orgasm, content to feed his precious semen to her. Elsa is surprised by the sheer amount. She already swallowed a ropes of it and the second one filled her mouth but more is cumming. The excess is beginning to spill out the side of her lips and some of it is climbing up her nose. She rolls her eyes back as she is helpless. She can only hope he will be finished soon.

And soon it is. He finally let go of her blond hair, letting her pull back. She gasp and cough, the excess of cum spilling down her chin and falling at the floor before her. The man sigh satisfyingly, looking at the spectacles of the elder princess on her kness struggling with his cum in her mouth. He grins.

Elsa takes a moment, her eyes have gotten teary from lack of breathing and she takes a second to catch her breath before getting back up. She tries to act composed but that is hard to do considering what just happened. She turns around to hide that her tongue has suddenly moves out of her mouth to her lips and scooped up some of the warm sticky fluid stuck to her cheeks to give it another taste test...

Elsa finishes cleaning her face up before returning to Helas "I have your word that things will settles down ?" she ask while rubbing a white clothes upon her lips. The merchants smiles. "Of course. I am confident now that the crown has the best interest of it's prosperous denizen at heart. Even if it cannot act right now"

"Good. And you will not tell anybody ?"

"Of course your highness" he adds with a smug smiles."But I will remember that if have more issues, the futur queen will lend me her ear. Or her lips..." he adds while brushing his chin in reminiscence.

Elsa shivers and curteously bows before exiting the room. She sighs at what she's done but she averted one crisis.

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