D&D: FHW: Charge up a powerful spell, even if it'll leave you exposed.

From Create Your Own Story

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The time has come to use your secret necromancy knowledge, you realize.

As the Sewer Beast lumbers towards you, it blocks her view of you, and you start casting, interspersing your casting, with terrified shrieks.

"You pathetic little wimp!" The necromancer gloats, laughing at your cries.

The shrieks become more and more genuine as poised just over you tendrils shoot out of the creature wriggle up inside your dress and rip it apart and it's obscene phallus starts bumping against your sex.

"Are you saying something?" She asks curiously walking up beside you and the Sewer Beast, either for a better view or to hear what you are saying.

Terrifyingly the tip succeeds in entering you just before your spell goes off, and you cast Control Undead, pushing with your mind as you whisper to the creature: "Rape that bitch for me."

The Sewer Beast shudders and pulls back from you its head turning towards its creator...

"AHHHHHHGGGGGHHH!!!" She screams with terrified shock as the Sewer beast lashes out, grabbing her and dumping her prone on the ground beside you.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" She screams again as the creature's tendrils wriggle up inside her dress and rip it apart, it's obscene phallus starts bumping against her sex.

You watch the Sewer Creature ram it's thing into pull back... and move off her as inside the creatures head you feel her will pushing against your spell.

Straining with your minds, the two of you lie sprawled naked in ankle-deep sewage, as a monstrous amalgam of rat bones, Kobold flesh, and sewage quivers above you.

D&D: FHW: Break her concentration by assaulting her

D&D: FHW: Hold out against her mind while moving through the door she came from

D&D: FHW: Concentrate harder and regain control of the monster

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