Go inside the building

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 02:08, 24 January 2019 by CYOA4 (Talk | contribs)

You wait in the entrance until a woman, Headmistress Katherine Ward, 55, approaches you.

"You are Elizabeth Simmonds, I presume"

"Yes" you say.

"Follow me"

Ward leads you to her office where you see another girl, Sandra Ackerman, 19, putting away a whip.

"This is Sandra Ackerman" Ward says, "she's a prefect who will be watching you"

You and Ward sit down. Sandra stands there watching you. Ward begins reading your file.

"Your father died when you were 5 and then you lost your mother at 11. You have since been moved from foster home to foster home. You're grades are poor but we can make a model student out of you. Since you have no family and are 18, we can't force you to join us"

Ward gives you a forum to sign.

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