D&D: The Crimson Dames: Val Comminl: Female human warrioress and leader of the Crimson Dame

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Revision as of 04:46, 7 August 2017 by Gougounne (Talk | contribs)

Val Comminl, former guard of the Raven watch. She went rogue after a mission went sour and has been on her own ever since. She joined up with Jhanni and Kalia shorly after she deserted. She's had Ravenwatch mercenary after her ever since but she's always managed to give them the slip. The Ravenwatch punish traitor to great extent.

Val is an amazon. A tall brunette with a fit body. She boast an impressive bust that she wraps in bandage in order to prevent them from bothering her under her armor. Strong and athletic, she wields the sword with deadly accuracy and she's sharper then most warrior, giving her an edge in fight. She favors medium armor to keep her mobility while protecting her during a fight. Like her fellow companions, she dosn't like the male gender very much and is the main tormentor of their poor squire.

D&D: The Crimson Dames: Jhino : Female human rogue

D&D: The Crimson Dames: Kalia : Female half-elf archer

D&D: The Crimson Dames: Fandas: Male human squire

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