D&D: Your kidnappers use your wand to tease you

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You feel helpless but you realize your kidnappers have caught attention and noticed you woke up. You feel their presence getting closer and before long, one of your invisible kidnappers lift the bottom of your dress and reveal your naked butt. You remember you are not wearing anything under it and it shames you even more. You blushes a little and you hear some comments about the color of your holes and the shape of your curves that suddenly turns you on. You try to regain the control of your sense and try to ignore your rising libido to try and find a way out of this situation. Before you can focus, you suddenly feel the sting of a sharp wooden object slapping your ass. You moan inside your gag and the stinging is repeated several time. After a couple of slaps, the punishment stops but you still feel the skin of your ass is burning lightly. You've never tried this kind of pain before and for now it doesn't excite you more then that. After a few moments though, you start to feel something being pressed against your pussy. You groan and shift a little but a hand safely secure you while a finger spread your pussy opens. You can't help but get wet at this new intruder and you feel the length of something thin and polished enters your love canal. Your torturer pushing the device deeper until you realize what it is. They are using your wand to screw you. You moan and close your eyes. You recognize it because you are used to masturbate with it in the lonely winter nights.

The man behind you pushes your wand deeper and start pumping it inside your pussy, extracting more muffled moans from you. He keeps abusing your pussy and you start to get turned on. Your juices are starting to soak your inner thighs and you start to drool a little from the lack of air and rest. He catches on to it and his abuse gets even faster. He seems decided to make you cum and behind all your lust you hear the gross comment about how much of a slut you are in the backgrounds. They seem to be echoes to what is going on. You close your eyes, unable to keep your raging ecstasy in check and you start to cum wildly, your body tensing up and your toes curling in pleasure. The man stops his abuse slowly and let you finish before pulling your wand out. You feel it being rubbed against your asscheeks and you blush lightly as you feel your sticky sex juice on your ass.

D&D: Your kidnappers insert your wand into your ass

D&D: Your kidnappers starts to fuck your pussy one by one

D&D: You muster the energy to cast an orb of explosion in the room

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