Piggy's Day/No turning back now

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< Piggy's Day
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Captain: "Don't be like that - you'll be famous! The third person ever to visit the center of the Earth. The heirs of Neil Armstrong will be mad jealous! And..."

You then burst through into an open area. A massive open area, at that. You fall for a hundread meters, until the automatic emergency ejetion seat launches. The submarine crashes to the bottom of the opening, and you fall down with parachutes. After a moment, the entry hole begins spewing water. After you've landed, you begin contemplating your next move.

Piggy: "So where are we, is this the center of Earth?"

Captain: "No, we're not yet even near that. I think this is some sort of an underground airbubble in molten rock. We deliberately began drilling from the bottom of the ocean to cool down these sort of places with water."

The water level begins to rise inside the bubble.

Piggy: "And you never thought that the water would fill this hole, and you'd die?"

Captain: "No, no we didn't. The US government didn't hire any engineers for this project."

Piggy: "Oh, I have a thing or two to say about the US government..."

Then, just as abruptly as it started, the waterflow stops.

Marine: "I wonder how that happened?"

50 kilometers above you, a whale has been sucked in by the ensuing whirlpool, and believes it is being eaten by Cthulhu.

Piggy: "Well, at least we won't drown now, but we won't be able to escape either.

Marine: "Come and take a look at this!"

The marine has opened a panel on the side of the crashed submarine.

Marine: "I found the black box. According to this, we briefly passed through helt.

Piggy: "So what? In the best case scenario, they'll come down and kill us before we starve to death."

Marine: "But we aren't dead yet, so only Satan can really stop us. If we can get up there and avoid Satan, we might make it out!"

Captain: "I guess it's worth a try."

You begin looking for supplies from the wreck. The marine finds a hookshot. You fire the hookshot up, and it hooks on after a few tries. You and the marine climb up, and then pull the captain up. Much, much later, as you've managed to get into hell:

Captain: "Okay, we need to be careful - Satan could be anywhere. Let's try to find a way back up."


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