Life as a good little girl/The box swap goes REALLY wrong

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After darting out of Mark's room you get half-way down the hall before you stop, conflicted. You can look for something to cover up with, or you can clean up.

Grimacing makes the skin of your face move and the cum that adorns it moves as well. Turning you start back to the bathroom, only to see the door close.

"Shit," you mutter. Should you go to the kitchen? Shaking your head you dash back to your room and look around frantically.

"Nothing," you moan, checking out the clothes. They're all baby stuff, or things too small for you to squeeze into.

You're just contemplating alternatives when you hear Joe's horn honking.

"I'm coming!" you call out, even though you know he can't hear you.

"Oh! Oh! Oh yeah! I'm cumming!" Mark cries out in falsetto.

"Shut up!" you yell back.

The horn honks again, longer this time.

"Hold on!"

A pair of arms wrap around you, their hands latching on to your nipples, rubbing and tugging at your stiff peaks.


"What? I'm holding on," Mark says with a laugh, tweaking your nipples some more.

Joe honks the horn again, and a few more times after that.

"Damn, he sounds impatient," Mark says, and tries pinching your nipples.

"Go away!" you scream at him.

"Hey, I think he heard you!" Mike calls out from the front room.

Your eyes go wide as saucers, and you elbow Mark.

"Oof," he gasps, letting go.

Shoving past him you streak down the hall again, sprinting for the front door. Without even pausing to cover up or wipe the cum from your face you dart outside. The van is facing the garage, meaning you have to run to the end of the driveway.

Red-faced from embarrassment you dash down the passenger side of the van, pull the rear-door open and climb in, yanking the door shut behind you so no one - else - sees you. Almost immediately the van backs out of the driveway.

"What? He's leaving? Wait, I'm back..."

An old heavy metal song booms out the speakers, easily drowning your voice, and you clutch your ears. The van picks up speed and you waste precious time just trying to muffle the noise.

It isn't until the van makes a sharp turn and a box nudges you that you really look around.

"What...? Where'd... It's full of boxes!" you cry out in outrage. Had they all chipped in old clothes? Or was this from Joe's pack-rat stashes in the garage, attic and basement? You stare around bleakly as Joe makes another turn, which throws you off balance and to the floor. You get your feet under you again only for Joe to make another turn. This time columns of boxes tilt above you, leaning against each other above you like two men in a pushing contest. As the van bumps along the road you pull yourself toward the back, away from the doors, hoping that whatever is in the boxes isn't heavy or dangerous.

Just as the boxes finally fall to the ground with a loud thump the van slows down, stops, and then reverses.

"We're there? Wherever there is," you mutter to yourself, and look around warily at the boxes. One of them has to be yours. Would it be near the doors or further back?

"Yo Joe!" a man cackles, and you stiffen, eyes stopping their search for signs of familiarity and instead looking at the rear windows.

"Hey Max, how's it hanging?" Joe calls back. Although you can't be sure, what with the van having a partition between the front and the back, you think Joe gets out of the van. He opens the door anyway.

"Heavy. And to the left," Max chortles.

Joe gives a polite laugh and you hear his door slam. "Well I might have something to help you with that problem."

"Oh yeah?" Max sounds intrigued. "I could use a little something. Anything good in there?"

"Total trash, unfortunately. But then, you know what they say. One man's trash..."

"Yeah, I've heard that one before," Max gives a monotone laugh, clearly faked. "What kind of stuff?"

"Oh, a bunch of clothes. My wife's girl got real excited when I told her where I was going. Called me to come back for her so she could get in back."

"The girl?" Max starts to sound interested. Almost excited, even. "The one in those pictures of yours?"

Joe chuckles, his voice echoing a little. "That's the one. Gonna grow up petite and drop-dead gorgeous like her mother. Oh, I've got more pictures to show you. Check this out."

From inside the van you can't tell what the two are up to. Joe must be showing Max pictures, you figure. Probably of cars. Guys love cars.

"Goddamn, what a tail pipe," Max says with a piercing whistle. Definitely cars. "Love to put some miles on her. I'd do you all day, baby..."

Weird. Men and boys were so creepy about cars, you think, wishing you could see so you could figure out where to hide.

"Alright, that's enough, you're getting way too excited for my comfort," Joe chuckles, followed by a disappointed sound almost like an 'Aww' from Max. "You can see more at the usual site. Meanwhile, you go unload."

"You gonna stick around while I unload?"

"Nah, you'll take forever and I don't need to watch. I'm gonna go down the street to check out that place I like. I'll probably be two or three hours. What you find in the back... take it, leave it, do anything in the world you want with it." Joe chuckles, his voice becoming faint.

Wait. He's leaving you here? With a stranger? Naked? You turn over onto all fours and turn toward the front of the van, wondering if you can burrow under the boxes and bags, or climb over them.

"Oh sure, get me all worked up and then leave me for the grunt work," Max grumbles, and yet his voice gets louder toward the end.

Life as a good little girl/Panic. Run away and hide

Life as a good little girl/Open boxes to look for something useful - or something to wear - before acting

Life as a good little girl/You freeze for too long and Max opens the back door.

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